Jeans for Genes Day 2014


Last week it was an honour to MC the main stage in Martin Place (here in Sydney CBD!) for Jeans for Jeans Day!  This is a great cause and raises money for research into birth defects and diseases such as cancer, epilepsy, and a range of genetic disorders.  It’s staggering that here in Australia 1 in 20 kids are born with a birth defect or a genetic disease.  All funds raised on Jeans for Genes day go to the Children’s Medical Research Institute.  I am one of five kids, my older sister passed away at the age of 3 due to severe brain damage, the cause of this is not confirmed, but most likely caused by doctor error, my mother laboured for 24 hours whilst placenta previa, (that’s a whole separate story!). My younger sister is also severely brain damaged, (separate cause, again, that’s a whole blog in itself), though is still here with us, Praise God!. She requires full time care, she needs to be bathed, fed, dressed and still wears nappies at the age of 30.  Growing up with this around me, certainly makes me very aware of parents who are caring for their sick children.  All support is very much appreciated and anything we can do to further research and find better treatments and cures is something that is worth giving my time to. If you would like to donate you can at


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