A Smooth Sea Never Made a Skilled Sailor – Reflecting on 2014
The other night we had a heap of people over in our backyard, sitting back and chatting. My husband started talking about how good it is before we jump ahead to goals and plans for 2015, to take some time, to reflect on the good of 2014 and more specifically all the things we are thankful for.
I loved the conversations that sparked from that, yes, some had to think harder about what they were thankful for than others. Some had good years, some quite challenging, but regardless of HOW each person’s year had looked, it shifted the focus off the challenges to focus on what was good from 2014. It’s a simple exercise but I encourage you to do it. Just take a minute to write down 7 things you are thankful for from 2014. Yes 7! If you keep digging you will find them, I promise. This year started off full of challenges for me, but it has certainly ended on an unexpected high. The journey of the year has been good for me, I’ve learnt a lot. As the saying goes ‘smooth sea never made a skilled sailor.’ I’m excited to take some of my skills into 2015, to start the year with excitement and expectation for what is to come. (Kicking off with a month in the USA!!!). Happy New Year Everyone!!
Em X