What Can You Do?
Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it’s the only thing that ever has.” Margaret Mead
I’ve been pleasantly surprised that as I have gathered together with other like minded women, we have indeed been able to bring change and make positive impact to our sisters and children both in our country and abroad. Each time I have wondered, if people knew that they CAN make a difference, would more of us do it?
This is an excerpt of an article I had published on Mamamia end of 2012. you can read the full article: here.
War, murder, torture, rape, cannibalism. Welcome to the aftermath of Kony and his Rebels. As the recovery from the war continues in Northern Uganda it seems this fragile nation has been dealt another blow. ‘Nodding Syndrome’ is sweeping through the region, literally taking out a generation with it.
Let me tell you about ‘Nodding Syndrome’. It is a sickness that only has recently made itself known, the first case in this area being recorded around 2007. It affects children between the ages of 5 and 15; symptoms include nodding uncontrollably when presented with food, also nodding off in a dazed kind of state. Seizures, similar to epilepsy, elephantiasis symptoms, limbs not growing, erratic behavior, dental abnormalities, uncontrollable drooling, vacant facial stares, elephantitus and retarded physical growth to name a few.
A lot of the children with Nodding Syndrome present with severe burns to their body, they have either had a seizure and been burnt by the family’s cooking fire, or they have (in a state of daze) thrown themselves into the fire. Children erratically have run off into the bushes and stepped on animal traps, breaking and splitting their legs open. Children have also drowned after throwing themselves in the river unintentionally during a seizure or whilst in a dazed state.
As the child is in a dazed and ‘out of it,’ the cases of sexual violence against the young girls suffering Nodding Syndrome is very high. Resulting in numerous cases of (on average) 14 year olds pregnant and unaware of what happened or who the father is. Nodding Syndrome also affects their memory so there is no hope of identifying their rapist even if there was an opportunity to do so.
It is common to see a child tied up at the family’s hut or out the back like a dog. This is done by the parents to keep them safe as many of them will have burns or other injuries caused by their erratic behavior.
Because food seems to be the catalyst for reactions some parents have taken the measure of depriving their children of food. What is a better death, nodding syndrome or starvation? Should we even have to ask such a question in 2012?
Last Saturday I had the honour of running an event to raise funds for Hope For Humans, who are now set up in Northern Uganda and are working tirelessly to help these victims of Nodding Syndrome. This event saw an entire church converted into a day spa! Â Practitioners from the community volunteered their time, and offered manicures, pedicures, facials, hair and makeup and all monies raised went to this great cause. Â If I were to say it was easy I wouldn’t be telling the truth! This was a big event and took a LOT of hours and patience for me to organise! But it was all worth it! We raised over $13 500 for this great cause! Â I had a great team of volunteers working with me. This has been one of the many fundraising and awareness raising initiatives that since returning from Uganda has been achieved by the small group who travelled there. (Well done team!).
Pampered with Purpose – Nodding Syndrome
As Margaret Mead once said.. Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it’s the only thing that ever has.
I encourage you, whatever it is you have on your heart, whatever need you have seen, do what you can to change it. You may think you have nothing to give! That’s what I thought, I have two kids, my husband and I haven’t been able to buy a house yet, but you know what I do have? PASSION! I’m going to be honest, I didn’t think I had any time to begin with, but you make time for what is important. Time is my most valuable asset, and if I spend it bringing healing to others I know I’m spending it well.
Don’t underestimate what you can do to bring change to this broken world.
Em x