This Is Freedom

Well hey there!!

Ok, so yes I know its been a long while. Three or four years???.

While I’d like to say I’ve been chilling on the beach, I’ve actually had three more babies in the interim - 2 more human ones and one church! Yes, myself, my husband Terrence and our now 4 children moved in 2019 to South Florida to plant (which is just a weird church word for start) History Makers Church! You can find out all about it HERE.

But the real reason I’m writing is, I have a brand new single out!!! It’s called THIS IS FREEDOM and it's available on all digital music platforms.

This last year has been a wild ride for everyone, no matter what part of the world you are in. But Galatians 5:1 says:

“It is for FREEDOM that Christ has set us free. Stand firm then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again…”

This song speaks of the noise of the past year but also serves as a reminder to us all that Jesus is still on the throne! We can all shift our focus from the many voices, to the one voice that brings people together…the true poet and author forever.

Check out the video and have a dance while you’re at it!!!!

Much Love

Em x


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